Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Thoughts, Plans, and Observations

Yes it time to get back in the saddle again in terms of writing and taking pictures. Right now those are the only two things that are really making me any money. I have been focusing extra hard these past 3 weeks on the LOUD Tour TV project and it has taken some of my time away from the other two things that I am more known for. This does not mean however that I am going to work any less then I do now on the video project. Now that there are more hours in the day that leaves me more time for all of my projects. The photo and video projects are much more effective when I do them in daylight. I can write on the blogs either in the morning or at night.

Many of my other blogs have suffered these past three weeks in the update department. I will be coming back to them in good time, but you will see updates there on a less frequent basis. Other projects take precedence, but also I will be on the road just about every weekend and not be able to focus as much time and energy as I have into them since November. Essentially they are going to take a back seat so that I may do more important things. Updates will likely be limited to once per week on those.

I have done a much more effective job of spreading the word about my video page then I did when I started my blog 2 years ago. Already in just a few short days there are 7 subscribers to my video feed. I find it ironic that it took me 3 months to get 7 subscribers to my blog feed. Is it because the vlog community is more receptive to new projects or is it because I did not work hard enough promoting my blog? I have another theory. We have become the click generation and most of us get our blog traffic through some sort of exchange server. Many of us click without reading. I have been making an effort the past 2 months to read before clicking, and if I can offer something relevant to the conversation, leaving a comment. Perhaps we need a little incentive to read? I believe the folks that run these blog exchange services should take note of this.

So that's it for now. I have to get back to my other projects for today! Look for more LOUD Tour TV really soon!


Demon32 said...

Dude I hope it all works for you.

No Mas said...

I've been surfing BlogExplosion the past few weeks and notice that some of the same blogs show up over and over. Wonder why that is. But, I do try to leave alot of comments, if I have something to add. In searching my blog name on Google, I have five pages pop up. Guess if I leave more comments, I can up that to 6 or 10 pages!

Shawn C. said...

All is well Demon23!

I was reading on some other people's blogs, while surfing I might add, that people don't actually take the time to read any of the content at all before clicking away on sites like Blogmad and Blog Explosion. It helps people out to actually read and comment on their stuff. It also helps you out because it gets your blog out there as well. I just wish more people would take the time to do it!

Demon32 said...

People rarely do what is good for themselves. Reading another persons blog is tedious to some and they do not understand that they need to "sell themselves" on commenting and visiting other peoples blogs regularly then their own site will suffer. Then again a majority of people are stupid*.

Random Question of the day:
Would you want a Monkey as a pet?

*I could fit into that majority, no?

Shawn C. said...

My name is not Micheal Jackson, so I do not want a pet monkey!

You don't fit the category of stupid. You are well above that!

Demon32 said...

Stupid is more of a brilliant way to be. Look at our congress, being stupid gets you places...

Shawn C. said...

In congress, smoke and mirrors get you places!